Prevent Mosquito Bites

After her lover called the wedding off in 2004, Lauren Bailey, 28, of Cardiff, UK made her wedding dress into a mosquito net to take backpacking in India. Just don't put the cart before the horse. In Uganda a campaign to stop prospective brides using malaria nets as wedding dresses appears to be having an effect

When I got married we pulled down our bed net and gave it to the village tailor," recalled 55-year-old Atyanga Kolofrida."He made the gown in a few minutes. The tailor charged only 10,000 Ugandan shillings (US$5). "We did this because we could not afford to sell our only cow to get the money to hire a gown from Tororo town." But addressing his congregation at the St Jude's Catholic Church, Father Thomas Outa says: "It's useless to come here to tie the knot and to die minutes later in your home because of malaria."