Stunning Islamic Gowns

I found a complete gem of website the other day called Irna la Perle, an Indonesian company that features possibly the most beautiful (and modest) Muslim dresses I've ever seen. The prices are not shown (which can only mean one thing, unfortunately) but you can request information on the pieces using the form provided on the site.

The collection is not big at all, but I love what's there:

Wedding gowns:

Absolutely stunning, adore the buttons and the modest cut of this next one. My future wedding dress is officially sorted (Insha'Allah.. obviously):

Normal dresses:

These beautiful pink dresses are impeccably designed - they don't even need accessorising:

The site also does some interesting headpieces and Hijab accessories.. I'm not hot on them all but I do quite like these ones, whether or not I'd wear them is another question:

They call this next one a buckle as it's doesn't have any pins to ruin your scarves, lovely!

A bit too cyborg-ish for my liking..

Whoda thought putting a necklace onto a Hijab would work so well, eh?